Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Meriah Earle Takes 3rd at Cardiff Kook 10k

New Women’s Open Team Captain Meriah Earle Takes 3rd Place Elite at Cardiff Kook 10k
By: Meriah Earle

I (Meriah Earle) ran cross-country for the first time in 7th grade, because they needed more girls on the team. Back then, my goal was simple: don't sit down during the work-outs. The idea of running three miles without stopping seemed ludicrous! In high school, I got really into to track, although that was a progression as well.

In my first meet, as a high school sophomore, I competed in the 4x100m, 200m, high jump, and discus. Eventually I became a decent 400m runner and began to entertain the idea of running the 800m. This became my preferred collegiate distance. I ran for SDSU from 1996-2001 first as a walk on and later on scholarship, specializing in the middle distances. My best 800m at SDSU was 2:10 and, back then, that put me 6th on their all-time-record list. 

I really didn't run much after college, until about 2 years ago, when I got the marathon itch. I trained for the San Diego Rock 'n Roll, thinking it would be a one-time deal. Racing had the opposite effect, it renewed my desire to train, become better and compete, if only against myself. I began searching online for local groups, hoping to find a track workout for faster interval training. That's how I came across the SDTC.

I found they had a group that met in San Marcos, right next to my home in Escondido. This was perfect! They were instantly welcoming, supporting all the runners on the lake that day whether they were with their group or not. I have hardly missed a Tuesday night workout since. In fact, when I do miss, I find myself constantly looking at the clock thinking about which of their 1200m repeats they night be on at that moment. Runners are my people :) 

Last summer, I met Lisa Ryan and joined the WOT, where I have been further blessed to get to know a small, but mighty group of amazing women! Lisa Ryan, Stefanie Flynn, Kelly Szklany, Victoria Barana, Erica Schoeller, and our newest addition Meghan Nicola have reminded me how special it is to have friends to share in the anxiety, pain, and ultimately joy of racing together!

I have to say one of my favorite parts of the Kook run was after the turn-around when the race loops back on itself, hearing "Go Track Club!" from the multitude of SDTC members also running in the 10K. It was a huge moral boost coming back up the hills on the last half of the course! I have to share the credit of my 10K PR that day to the support of my fellow teammates and the SDTC community. Their encouragement is unmatched! I'm so grateful to have found the SDTC and the WOT. I hope to be part of the San Diego running community for many decades to come!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Fitness Tip: Long Run Nutrition

Toya's Tips!


The following are guidelines on taking nutrition on your long runs.  As you will see below I prefer the method of using gels pre-mixed in water. This is prepared prior to leaving the house so all you have to do sip at specified times during the run. This is what most elite athletes do. You will need to wear a belt that holds at least 2-3 small bottles. Most of you are used to using what's on the course. Ideally it would be nice if you could get used to not stopping at all and use your own nutrition products and water. 

Runs less than 10 miles may not require nutritional run products (gels) other than water and an electrolyte drink (Vitalyte), especially when you have eaten breakfast.  Drink only a small amount, 4-6 oz. is adequate for most runners. This will help you avoid any “sloshing” in your stomach.

Runs of 10-14 miles You must eat breakfast 60-90 minutes before the run. Runs of 10-14 miles will require some nutritional run products (gels mixed with water) in addition to water. If you notice you are running out of steam the last few miles on a 10-14 mile run, bring some nutrition (gels mixed with water) with you to fuel the next run of this distance.

Purchase a water bottle made for holding run nutrition to carry with you. Empty the packets of gels into each bottle prior to leaving the house, and then just take a small mouthful at any one time. By using the bottle, you can take a smaller amount of the gels easily and you don't have to fool with trying to open the package on a run. Additionally, you are hydrating and refueling at the same time

Runs over 14 miles will definitely require some run nutrition in addition to water, so plan to bring something with you. Remember, you must eat breakfast 60-90 minutes before the run.


Start taking your nutritional product at about the 6 mile mark into a long run or at about the 1 hour mark into your run. Once you start taking your nutrition product, you need to continue taking it throughout your run at specified intervals until you finish the run.

You can choose to go by time and take it every 20 to 30 minutes, or go by mileage, approximately every 2 to 4 miles. Remember that your goal or purpose in taking the supplement is to keep your blood sugar levels relatively stable, and not to provide a "meal". Therefore, you only need to take a small amount of supplement at any one time. Try taking only 1/3 or 1/2 of a gel packet. Remember; mix your gels with water prior to leaving the house.

Taking a small amount at first will allow you to test your digestive system and your nutritional demands. You can always take more of a product if you feel you are running out of fuel, but if you take too much you may suffer the rest of the run. Once you know your GI tract is ok with a particular product you can experiment with taking more of it during the run.

On even the longest training run of 20 to 24 miles, or in your marathon, most runners can get by on 3 to 5 packets of a nutritional product.

Always wash your run nutrition down with WATER, not sports drink (Gatorade). Mixing a nutritional run product and sports drink can be too much sugar in your gut and may contribute to GI distress. Some runners avoid drinking any sports drink altogether on a long run when they are using run nutrition and they will just drink water to avoid GI upset.
For any questions or more information please contact Coach Toya Reavis at 858-220-0151 or treavis@ymail.com My Website: http://treavisfitness.com/

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Fitness Tip: Foam Roll & Inchworm

Toya's Tips!
(To avoid getting shin splints and relieve tightness in the front of your leg)

  • Kneel and place the roller under both shins while supporting your upper body with your hands.
  • Roll down to your ankles and back to the knees. Be careful not to roll over the knee  joint.
  • Remember to roll down the ankle to get the entire shin.
  • The shins are often a neglected area—athletes often focus on the back of the leg.

INCHWORM (Release for Glutes, hamstrings and Calves)
  • Stand with your legs straight, feet hip-width apart (A).
  • Bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor (B).
  • Keeping your legs straight, walk your hands forward while keeping your abs and lower back braced. Then take tiny steps to walk your feet back to your hands
  • Do ten repetitions

For any questions or more information please contact Coach Toya Reavis at 858-220-0151 or treavis@ymail.com My Website: http://treavisfitness.com/

Monday, March 13, 2017

Tempo Run Heart Rate Zones

Tempo Run Workouts: Target Heart Rate Zones

Tempo Runs are excellent for developing stamina, confidence and sense of pace. What's the physiological "secret" behind this type of training? It raises your lactate threshold velocity, the running speed above which fatigue sets in quickly. As your lactate threshold threshold velocity increases you'll run at faster speeds without getting tired.


Tempo runs are an excellent "bridge" to racing; they require you to run hard for relatively long periods. You will be expected to know your lactate threshold heart rate pace so you will be asked to measure your intensity by taking your pulse during these workouts. You will be instructed throughout each workout to take your pulse for 6 seconds and multiply that number by 10.

To determine your lactate threshold heart rate pace, Coach Paul asks that you visit the Rockin' 'n' Runnin' Training Program website and under the link Calculators, press the Heart Rate Training Zones link. Once you arrive at that link simply type in your resting heart rate and age. Scroll down to Threshold Pace (min) and Threshold Pace (max) and the heart rates that you need to aim between will be available for viewing.


Friday, March 10, 2017

Fitness Tip: Dynamic Stretching

Toya's Tips!

Are you sitting at a computer all day? Are you driving to and from work and workouts? That is a lot of sitting in the day. As a result we need to get the body back to neutral posture before exercising (Opening the hips)!

A dynamic warm-up is a series of walking lunges followed by a series of leg swings prior to any exercise. A lunge, although inherently a strength exercise, is a terrific stimulus to activate all the muscle of the leg prior to working out.

A lunge and leg swing  routine is a great way to engage the quads, hamstrings, adductors, glutes, hip flexors, and calves facilitating proper mechanics and preventing injury. The routine also warms the muscles and raises your heart rate so you are mentally ready to run!

For any questions or more information please contact Coach Toya Reavis at 858-220-0151 or treavis@ymail.com  Website: http://treavisfitness.com/

Monday, March 6, 2017

How To Be A Running Goal-Digger

How To Be A Running Goal-Digger
By: Kimberly Underwood

So you’ve been running for a while, and loving it. But maybe you’re not seeing the improvement you’ve hoped for as you’ve been running. Maybe you’ve been stuck at the same level for a while- and you have been wanting to go to another level. Well- there’s hope! That’s probably the most exciting thing about running- anyone can improve. If my husband can go from running a 4:10 first marathon to a 2:23 marathon- then you hitting that 5k goal doesn’t sound so wild. You just have to set some goals and put yourself in the position to start hitting them. 

Here’s how to get from Point A to Point B (literally & figuratively):

1. Spend some time evaluating where you are now- and where you would like to be. Sometimes it helps to talk to a friend/mentor- they can see you and your fitness better than you can at times and they can push you further than you thought possible.
2. Set tangible goals. You know those goals that are so lofty and vague that there is no tangible way to measure the results (i.e. I would like to be as fast as Meb). Yah- let’s not do that. The best way to be successful in accomplishing goals is actually setting ones that you can measure success and that are within reach (i.e. I would like to run a 3:14 marathon).
3. Figure out how to get from Point A to Point B. What good are goals if you don’t have an action plan to get you there. Get with a coach/mentor and have them help you figure out what you need to be doing to push past any plateaus and start making new gains- in distance or speed.
4. Commit to a schedule. It’s not enough to have good intentions and a lot of positive thinking. If it was, I would just be sitting on the couch eating Krispy Kremes dreaming myself thin and a gold medal Olympian marathoner. At some point, you have to buy in to the goal and really commit to getting there. How are you going to make this plan a reality? What are you willing to do/give up/facilitate in order for this to happen.

5. Get outside your comfort zone. You won’t be hitting new and crazy goals by doing exactly what you have been doing for years. Mix it up, baby.
6. Get mentored. Don’t be afraid to make yourself accountable to someone. All the elites have coaches and mentors- and they have the discipline of a Tibetan monk- so what makes you think you will be successful in reaching your goal if you are out there going rogue.
7. Set a deadline. When is this goal going to happen? By putting a deadline on it, you create the urgency and the need to be accountable and faithful to the process to make this goal a reality.
8. Trust the process. There will be amazing days- where you are on top of the world (Is it possible that I may accidentally in my goal marathon qualify for the Olympic Trials?) and days when you think that your speed workout resembles power-walking at a retirement home. Don’t give up on your goals and things you have committed to because of some bad days. Regroup and stay positive. Everyone has off days.
9. Write this goal everywhere. Or tattoo it on your body (just kidding). But seriously- see the goal. Have it be something you wake up to and go to bed to. It needs to be so ingrained in your consciousness. Tell people about it- let them be on your team supporting you to reach this goal.

I have been setting goals in my running and it has paid off in huge ways. I have enjoyed my running more and have been able to see myself hitting big goals that I wasn’t sure were possible. I have some new big goals - and I can’t wait to make them a reality. Hope you set some crazy goals for the year and commit in the day to day to making them happen! 

To read more articles by Kim, check our her blog: http://www.trackclubbabe.com/

Friday, March 3, 2017

Fitness Tip: Dress Warm

Toya's Tips!

During the colder months all athletes should wear tights during the workout when sessions are in the early morning and evenings. Any type of tight offers a mild amount of compression, which helps increase blood flow, keeping muscles warm and supple. Tights will insulate the muscles, prevent pulls and strains and most importantly, the body is not working hard to keep you warm but allowing all energy towards your working running muscles.

WARM-UP SUITS (Jacket and Pants)
Warm-up suits should be worn regardless of weather. Wear the warm up suits to the workout and remove them after your warm up drills and jog. After each and every workout session athletes should immediately remove wet clothing and put their warm-up suits on. You will notice most Kenyan and Ethiopian elite distance runners show up to practice in warm-ups, run in tights during the workout and immediately put their warm-ups on after the session. Again, this will insulate the muscles, prevent pulls and strains and keep you warm after the workout.

For any questions or more information please contact Coach Toya Reavis at 858-220-0151 or treavis@ymail.com  Website: http://treavisfitness.com/